Click on the link above (School Information for Families) for information about the school (or read the full text below). Click on the image below for a larger view of the school. (Many thanks to Glen Ansley for the photograph).
Ngati Toa School, which opened in 1955, is a contributing school catering for children from years 1-7. The school comprises two large blocks of classrooms, a playing field suitable for major summer and winter games, two netball courts, a basketball court, a swimming pool, cycle track and a hall. It also incorporates a class from the Mahinawa Specialist School.
We pride ourselves on having high expectations for student learning, delivering a balanced curriculum and a broad education—In 2017, the Education Review Office reported: “The school’s vision and values underpin the curriculum and are integral to students’ schooling experience. Clear guidelines for teaching and learning contribute well to achievement of the expressed expectations for teaching practice. There is an inclusive and welcoming school culture. Student and whānau aspirations are sought and responded to through a range of well-considered strategies. This contributes positively to children’s wellbeing, engagement and learning”.
Our aims are to:
- develop skills and attitudes in our children to enable them to become proficient learners: fluent readers, speakers, writers and mathematicians;
- have a positive, happy environment that fosters good work habits, positive relationships and self-esteem, and excellent attitudes to learning;
- reflect the culture of our children, celebrating the bicultural heritage of Aotearoa/New Zealand and supporting the development of te reo Māori;
- provide opportunities and teaching that will enable our children to develop the skills to operate in a digital world;
- enhance the performance skills of our children through participation in many cultural and artistic activities such as: Artsplash, Kapahaka, school concerts and other public performances.
School times
Children are encouraged to come to school from 8.30 am. If your children need to be at school earlier than 8.30 a.m., please make an arrangement with their classroom teacher. We do not encourage children to be in their classrooms before 8.30 am unless their teacher is present to supervise them.
- 8.55 am ……Learning Block 1
- 10.10 am….. Morning Interval
- 10.40 am …..Learning Block 2
- 11.45 am……Brain Break
- 12.00 pm …..Learning Block 3
- 1.00 pm……..Lunch
- 1.55 pm …….Learning Block 4
- 3.00 pm……..School closes
Being at school and being punctual
Children learn by being active participants in the many opportunities school provides them to engage with each other, and with new ideas and information. To make the most of the learning opportunities provided at our school, we expect children to be punctual and attend regularly.
The Ministry of Education requires us to record every absence and audits our school roll each term. Accordingly, whenever a child is absent for any reason, we require either a phone call or note to explain the reason. Frequent, or long term, unexplained absences must be reported to truancy services as a Ministry of Education requirement. Our greatest concern is the children’s safety and for this reason, we will follow up any unexplained absences as soon as we are aware of them.
To report an absence you can either phone the school on 04 2367785 or leave a message; text 027 2367785; send an email to; or use Facebook Messenger.
Unjustified absence for three consecutive days can result in referral to the Attendance Service.
Office hours
The office is staffed between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm daily.
Staff availability
Whānau are welcome to visit their children’s classrooms at any time providing teachers are aware of the arrangements. Teachers will endeavour to make themselves available to talk to parents, however, it may be necessary to make an appointment with the teacher to discuss any significant issues. Similarly, the principal will always endeavour to be available for whānau but making an appointment is preferred; phone the office manager to make appointments with the principal. For any visits to school personnel, or to pick up children out of normal hours, please ensure you sign in at the office.
The Curriculum
The Ngāti Toa School Curriculum has been developed in consultation with the community in accordance with the intent of the New Zealand Curriculum. A copy of the school’s curriculum is available from the office. It might be helpful for you to know a little of the scope of our programme. These include:
- literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening, spelling and handwriting and visual literacy) and te reo Māori;
- mathematics;
- social studies;
- physical education (including ball skills, swimming, dancing, gymnastics, athletics, sports, and fitness) and health, (which includes physical, social, mental and emotional health);
- the arts (art, drama, dance, music, kapahaka);
- science;
- technology.
All aspects of our programmes are underpinned by our school values and the key competencies.
Our school values are:
- Ako – Learning
- Hauora – Wellbeing
- Iti Kahurangi – Dreams and Aspirations
- Kotahitanga – Inclusivity
- Aroha – Love and Respect
The key competencies are:
- managing self;
- relating to others;
- participating and contributing;
- thinking;
- using languages, symbols and texts.
The junior area of the school is heavily influenced by Place based Learning to create exciting opportunities for young children to socialise and learn to cooperate with others, and build their oral language skills. Learning through Place is also prominent in our school and teachers seize opportunities to take children out and about in our local community to experience real-life contexts for learning.
Assessment is used to inform children’s learning and teachers’ planning. A variety of methods are used to gather information on children’s progress and achievement including:
- informal teacher observation and judgement;
- children reviewing their own and others’ work;
- some testing including standardised tests.
Our reporting processes are reviewed regularly. Currently we report to parents twice yearly in writing and hold parent/teacher/student meetings. Parents are welcome to make an appointment to see their child’s teacher at any time they wish. The principal is also available anytime throughout the year to see parents about any concerns.
When children start school they are eager to learn to read. We ask parents to support their children and the teacher—building on the children’s enthusiasm by praising and encouraging their efforts. Like learning anything new, practice is needed to embed the new skills, so regular reading at home and at school makes a big difference to children’s achievement. Reading is a complex process and children learn at different rates, even within the same family. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, please see the classroom teacher as your first port of call.
Parents will help their children best by showing interest, listening to the child read, talking about the story and reading with the child at every opportunity.
In the first year or so at school, children may be bringing home books to read and there will be instructions included with these books to help parents.
Don’t panic if your child seems to have learnt a book ‘by heart’. This is an early stage in the reading process and builds confidence.
Hot lunches are provided every day except for children with food allergies. Parents of these children will need to provide their lunch.
School will also provide fruit daily for all children.
We ask parents to please provide morning tea for your child each day.
Stationery packs are provided for all children at no cost to whānau.
School bank account details
For any online payments, our ASB account name and number is: Ngāti Toa School Board of Trustees 12-3254-0191023-00. For any online payments please include the child’s name in the CODE field and what payment is for as a REFERENCE.
A school newsletter is published fortnightly online on the school website and is also sent via email and loaded on Hero. Paper copies are available if requested. The school Facebook page is updated regularly.
Accidents and illness
In cases of accidents or illness at school, we will administer first aid and, if necessary, contact parents. For this reason, it is essential that our records of home and work phone numbers are accurate; please advise us of any changes, as it is very important for us to have an emergency number. We also ask parents to inform us of any health or associated problems their child might have so we can provide for their needs. Should it be necessary (including instances where we are unable to contact parents), we will take a child to a doctor or to Kenepuru Hospital.
We are proud of our successful sports teams. In addition to general sport and physical education in school throughout the year, children also play in school basketball, netball and indoor soccer teams, and participate in the cross-country competition.
Swimming pool
During term 1—weather permitting—the junior school will participate in a swimming programme in our school pool. The seniors use The Arena for swimming. They will need to bring named swimming togs and towel in a swimming bag.
(We are grateful to Bunnings Porirua and Water Safety New Zealand for refurbishing the school pool environs to provide this valuable resource for your children).
Lost property
Parents are asked to make sure all personal property is clearly labelled. We discourage children from bringing valuable or “precious” items to school, such as special toys or electronic equipment. The school can take no responsibility for anything that is damaged or lost. At the end of the term, all lost property will be donated.
Money and valuables
If children bring money to school, they should ask their class teacher to take care of it for them until they need it.
Only in emergencies will children be allowed to use the school telephone. If a parent needs to contact a child urgently, the office will pass the message to the child/ren concerned.
Dental care:
We share the dental therapist with several other schools. We will advertise in the newsletter when the therapist and mobile clinic are coming to the school. To speak to a dental nurse, or to make an appointment, please ring the dental clinic at Titahi Bay School on 0800 825 583 and press option 1 to leave a message.
School health nurse:
The public health nurse calls at the school regularly to examine any child on request and follow up any matter of concern. All new entrants undergo a hearing and vision test during their first year at school. Permission for this service is sought from parents when they enrol their child, or a request is sent home with a child before a visit.
During terms one and four, we endeavour to keep our children safe from the sun by providing shade and shelters for use at playtimes and by requiring children to wear a hat when outdoors. We also use sunscreen on school trips or outdoor activities. Please let us know if your child has any allergy to sunscreen products.
Please ensure your child’s hat is named.
Head lice:
These are now a fact of life in New Zealand schools nationwide. We have anti-lice treatment products available at the office.
Road safety
Children are not allowed outside the school grounds during school hours without permission.
To reduce the possibility of children being hurt while leaving school, traffic patrol monitors and an adult are placed on Whanga Crescent and Piko Street after school. Children are expected to obey these monitors who are there for their safety. We expect parents to insist their children only cross at the supervised crossings.
For the safety of all the children inside the school, it is school policy that parents do not bring cars into the school grounds. (The gates are closed during school hours).
Also for the children’s safety, we ask parents not to use the widened section of road outside the school gate for turning or parking, as the footpath here is very busy with lots of small children walking in and out of the school.
Please do NOT park on the grass verges outside people’s houses around the school.
Kids Can
The school participates in the KidsCan programme, which provides raincoats, trousers, shoes and head-lice treatments for families. Contact the office with any requests.
A photographer visits the school once a year. Purchase of the photographs is optional. School photo day will be on 15th May 2024.